Saturday, January 4, 2014

The week that was - 4 Jan 2014

It started with Alok Nath, who was never on twitter trending, and reaching the topspot in India. No one really knows why it happened.

All said and done, he was graceful enough to admit that he's taking the jokes in his stride.

the game of fleeting popularity
Twitter's own pecurliarity
pushed the one of righteous path
to the top, Guruji Alok Nath
in a stroke of singularity

Then the silent one opened up - that was the only surprising part as he did not deviate from the script that was probably handed to him by the high command.

the silent sufferer steps up, speaks
of his government's troughs and peaks
failing to get an endorsement
from any men of the moment
historical importance is what is seeks

AAP's every move is being watched closely, dissected thoroughly and analyzed endlessly. Kejriwal's decision to move to a 5 room house, the party's move to use Innovas - there is no end to it.

he's the new kid on the block
with his newly elected flock,
obsessed with his every move
naysayers are out to prove,
that he cannot walk the talk