Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Cafe Coffee Day's CEO

VG Siddhartha, Cafe coffee day's CEO commits suicide.


Scan the business terrain
in Indian cities you'll find easily
a replica of Starbucks chain
in the homegrown CCD

The man who led the firm ably
as the targets doubled or tripled
it unfolded very recently
was leading a life troubled

One day unable to bear
the burden of his debt
in an act of despair
into a river he leapt

of what worth were millions of rupees
if they couldn't give him an iota of peace

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Fondness for dark imagery

Thanks to Nidhi for her cue on this one (including the title).

Somewhere along the way
unknown forces came into play
the harmless childhood images
found a way to digress
and moved into a darker alleyway

The Jungle book's simplicity
that children loved implicitly
took on a graphical turn
to become quite dark and stern
and its no longer kid-friendly

The lion king, a bildungsroman
Is another case woebegone
a story now seeped in graphics
darker shades and cinematic tricks
robbed of innocence of an age bygone

See around for more instances
where the assault on our finer senses
is happening with a new fondness
for something darker than darkness
dark imagery and nothing less