Sunday, May 18, 2014

Son and Son in law

Faith was the common thread
tying the paths they tread,
in power and its sweet proximity
to aid fattening one's kitty
at the expense of people's bread

They both knew the knack of using a laughably low working capital to build a staggeringly rich empire. One was the son, other the son in law. One allegedly threatened the bureaucrats and other government officials with looming angry phone calls from Chief minister's office if his whimsical wishes were not speedily rubber stamped.  The other possibly did not have to resort to these crass means due to a largely pliant state government willing to let him have any piece of land or financing he fancied. 

One diversified like a multi national corporation. Real estate, Cement, Print and online publications, televsion channel - no one can point a finger at him for lack of ambition. The other stayed focussed. Real estate was what he believed in with a new convert's feverish zeal and accumulated stamp papers with the delight of a philatelist collecting rare stamps.

One was caught. Stopped in his tracks by his own ambition that was scorned by the powerful lady. CBI duly followed it up with a thorough investigation and let him cool his heels behind bars for an year and half. He eventually managed to wriggle out of the hole and led a much moneyed campaign shooting for the top job of a state. Public took his freebies, which probably were their property to begin with, and showed him the door. Uncertainty stares One's dark face now.

The other is still at large and quaking in his boots at the prospect of fresh investigations to be instigated by the new dispensation. Only his near and dear -count two- won the election but everyone else ready to lick boots at a flick of finger lost hopelessly. Few friends are in power and fewer will be willing to bat for him if a fresh slew of allegations perchance surface. The old coterie is beaten, divided and left to licking its wounds in a corner. Its own futures a haze, it would not dream of steadying a loser's ship buffeted by strong winds of change. Larger uncertainty stares Other's dark now.